The Trinity Story

All of my life I have been aware of my connection to Energy, “The other side” or spirit world. Over the years however I would turn this connection on and off depending on life circumstances. As a child I remember seeing and feeling the energy and spiritual world around me and I always knew there was more to life than the physical world we are experiencing. While I was growing up society would tell me that I was only imagining these things however through a series of life lessons, including the death of many family and friends, emotional and physical challenges and being on disability for 4 years, I started my journey into discovering our true nature. I realized that pain, suffering, and even death are just an illusion of this physical world, that by connecting to our true and divine nature we can Heal and Empower ourselves.

I started my journey into the world of Healing and Empowerment in 2003. Along with learning tools to access Healing Energy I started to learned about the Power of Intention. When I applied what I learned I was able to go back to work.  Although I had a great place to work, I knew this wasn’t my calling and decided to help others Heal and Empower themselves. I started offering treatments out of my home in 2005. I still had many lessons after this and continued with learning new tools to assist myself and others. I trained in many other modalities and always felt excited about each one, however, knew they were all just pieces to a puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle was a stepping stone that opened me up to my inner knowing and Healing abilities.

I started to connect to the spiritual world more often and with more clarity. Then, in October 2012, I had a new client come for a hands-off healing session. She is also trained in other healing modalities so was familiar with Energy Healing. I would normally just connect to the energy as an instrument of healing and give any intuitive insights or guidance at the end. During this session, however, I saw an Ascended Master in the room. I felt an extremely powerful energy shift in me and the room, I had goose bumps from head to toe and instantly had tears in my eyes. This Ascended Master spoke to me and showed me what to do on the client. When I proceeded to do so, her arms started to lift and move off of the table. Her body and legs followed. It wasn’t complete levitation but definitely a lot of movement. I was told that I was meant to awaken the light within people by placing them in a sacred space, which brought them to a higher vibrational plane, for Healing and Empowerment.

When the session was done, the client said to me, “What was that? That was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve had. You need to teach me that!” From then on, I have had many clients that experience the same power and Healing. Many have also experienced the same kind of body movement with arms lifting and moving in a similar way. I have been shown more since then from many Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides. I have tried different ways of using the energy, not to “test” this power, but to experiment with the energy so I can have clarity and validity for myself and my clients. I have also had energy groups over the years where I would do a guided meditation then we would exchange healing just by feeling and playing with the energy. The people would feel the energy and have registers, however, when we added what I was being shown, it changed the experience. We would feel the power of the energy intensify and have an out-of-body type experience, as well as stronger registers such as the arms lifting and moving off the tables.

When I asked in Meditation why people would move like this during the Healing’s I was told that it is symbolic or trusting, surrendering, letting go and having faith. Awakening and Activating the light within you and around you and opening your heart to Love and Abundance in all forms.

I have also been told by these Ascended Masters that now is the time to heal and empower nations, which I see as bringing people together for the greater good of humanity and that awakening the light within people is part of a great movement. I believe this will show people our true and divine nature and that we are much more than just the physical body. I have also been guided to start teaching this new way of Healing and Awakening the light within us. I felt resistance to this in the beginning because of my own human nature and insecurities. In one of my many healing sessions with an Ascended Master in the room, I had tears running down my face asking “Why me, I’m not perfect”. One of the Ascended Masters ,who is with me during all Healing sessions, placed his hands on my shoulders and said, “Because God is Love, God is not Hate”. I felt that God is the energy and vibration of Love which is in each and every one of us and not judgement, separation or hate. I was also told that it is not “look what I can do but look what you can do”. I am still here experiencing this physical reality so I am not “perfect” (whatever that means and whoever “they” are to define perfection). I now have the ability to recognize something that may arise and the tools to release that which no longer serves me. I feel very honoured to be given the gift of healing and ability to share this with others for their own transformation. Allowing them to connect to the power within them, their true and divine nature, surrendering to what is without labelling it as good or bad, right or wrong, letting go of control and trusting in divine time.

We are co-creators of this amazing journey called life. Even though it is full of lessons and fated experiences, we get to choose our destiny.
If you knew that your thoughts, feelings, and emotions were creating the world around you, what would you choose? By seeing what it is your heart desires, feeling the joy this brings and surrendering to divine time, you are no longer the victim. You can become the best version of yourself, recognize all the blessing you have already, and be open to receiving all that is for your highest good.
During many of my automatic writing meditation sessions, I was told that preparation was needed to access this Higher Vibrational Plane; to use the Sacred Space Awakening, Meditation, Yoga, nutrition, and energetic tools to complete the puzzle; that our body~mind~soul are our sacred Trinity, and we need to Heal and Empower all 3. We can’t have one without the other. The body is our temple and needs to be taken care of, the ego mind needs to be conquered by recognizing and refocusing our thoughts but the soul also needs recognition and Love.

Trinity Healing and Empowerment assists you by applying multiple modalities to heal your body, mind and soul while teaching you how to access this higher vibrational plane through creating the Sacred Space and applying the tools needed to Heal and Empower your Trinity.

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